Yes, you can have your brew and enjoy more of it too!
For every $10 you spend on food and beverages at our pub, you are credited $1 towards future pub purchases.
When at the pub, ask your server for a form and fill it out. Your server will return with your Pub Club Card with the
amount credited on it. Use it again and again and see how quickly it adds up!
You get all of the Pub Club benefits plus a free t-shirt, pint glass, and 6oz’s “on the house,” all year, everytime you order 12oz’s!
Plus on-line store discounts, VIP invitations, exclusive offers and more.
Brewmaster’s Circle Membership is good for one year. Renewal is $20 and entitles you to all benefits except those listed in item 2.
You will be notified of expiration by email. No response will indicate no renewal. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save while
you enjoy the best of craft beer~ brewed and bottled locally in the Adirondacks.